"Don't just make SOMETHING on your puzzle piece...
make something MEANINGFUL TO YOU"
You don't have to be an artist to participate, you just have to have something to say. Tell a story, make a statement or say something meaningful on your puzzle piece. You can collage or write a poem
or your favorite song lyrics. Your piece can be created about
anything YOU want.
Below are examples of a few...
Punchlines Make the Best Headlines.

He's been drawing the sax playing chicken, Mr. Smith, since he was a kid.

"Be Weird".

"Your limits are in your head. Ignore them".

Simple, but meaningful.

"Being different isn't bad".

We can live like gypsey folk, we don't need no house.

Our future's so bright...
During a corporate team building workshop, two people chose to make their puzzle piece about a quote their fathers would say to them.

She keeps the quote with her at all times on a little piece of paper.

"Visions of Peace".

"Believe in Yourself".

"Hey Ho, Let's Go!". Joey Ramone by the artist, D.W. Dunphy

Don't make sense out of nonsense.
"But He Can't Be Wounded 'Cause He's Got No Heart!". Elvis Costello
by the artist, D.W. Dunphy

When there is peace, people want war. When there is war, people want peace.
Johnny Rotten by the artist, D.W. Dunphy

Yes, this was made with glitter and glue. Amazing.
"Be Yourself".

"Anything is Possible!"
There was Connection to...and tenderness.
Art. Love. Respect.

The key to success... focus on the little things.
We all eat from the same tree. To share is fair.

Yoichi says it means, "many small things together make one great thing". He's referring to the puzzle project.

"Save the Planet".
Dedicated to Denise. treasure every moment.
One of the more humbling aspects of the puzzle project is that many pieces have been made in memory of someone special.

"Dream Big. Big Dreams".

"Think Positive".
Two versions of love. It's easy if you try.
"We Love You Mommy".

"But Why?"

"Be the Change".

"Artists see rock videos or epic features in their heads. Non-artists see static. Don't take this distinction for granted. The greatest creative tool we have is the idea already in our heads. These unique & vivid ideas wait patiently in que. Peel the onion. Being reasonable, we must make art...the best of life comes from creating". "Art has an enemy called ignorance".

"I Have a Dream".
"Make Peace".

"Less Hate...More Appreciate".

This is called, "View from My Office". He's a drummer. The dimples & dings are accurately placed.
"I'm different, get used 2 it".
"All Across the Universe Creative Energy is a Force of Nature That is Respected & Revered".
"Dance Through Life".

"Every little thing we do together makes a big difference". "Small things make a big difference". "Give piece a chance". "Snooze we lose...do your part".
"There is a candle in every soul...let yours shine!"

"I am not afraid to keep on moving. I am not afraid to walk this road alone...".

"Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery". - Bob Marley

"I don't think there's any artist of value who doesn't doubt what they're doing".
- Francis Ford Coppola
"It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow".
(this piece was made by a young kid who lost her father to a brain tumor)

The Puzzle Project:
There is no sound, But it speaks to you.
It is still, Yet it is moving.
With art, you can be anyone, Say anything, Feel everything.
Art connects us all. Art is good.

Forgotten Children lyrics
enough said.
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