see what you feel
18x24, acrylic & sharpie marker on card board

up and away
18x24, acrylic & sharpie marker on heavy black backing board of spent bristol drawing pad

effects of the moon
3'5" x 2'7" acrylic & conte crayon on canvas

flowers, the moon and the synodic timer
18"x 24", acrylic on wood

three flowers and the moon
18x24, acrylic on cardboard backing of empty bristol pad
Chuch Close inspired geometric abstract portraits...
portrait of Mychelle (Chuck Close style)
8x10, acrylic on canvas

portrait of Michael (Chuck Close style)
16x20, acrylic on canvas

portrait of Rita Rose (Chuck Close style)
8x10, acrylic on canvas

portrait of Danny Boy (Chuck Close style)
8x10, acrylic on canvas

portrait of Juan Sanchez (Chuck Close style)
8x10, acrylic on canvas


I am coordinator of a program called, Art is Good: about art and you. Fun creative projects, classes and workshops. You don't have to be an artist to particpate.

Corporations utilize Art is Good for team-building. Schools utilize Art is Good for learning. Arts organizations and galleries utilize Art is Good for collaborating. Support groups utilize Art is Good for healing. Communities utilize Art is Good for connecting. www.artisgoodforyou.com

Helping people create something meaningful is what I do. Events like Global Genes Rare Patient Summit in California offered Art is Good as an experiential art activity in 2017 and 2018. Collaborative art making followed by an exhibition event sponsored by PRA Health Sciences.

agencyEA and Hilton Worldwide hired me to coordinate an art program for its Hampton Inn hotels around the world... culminating in a massive exhibition at their GM Huddle in Orlando. I brought my team. It was an artsolutely amazing event!

I'm the Creative Coordinator and house artist at The David S. Zocchi Brain Tumor Center.
I provide healing arts workshops to families, as well as, to kids & teens at the award winning Camp Jinka at Middletown Arts Center (www.campjinka.org).

I also coordinate a world-wide art project called the Puzzle Project www.puzzleartproject.com
It is an Art is Good Project with a life of its own. It began in 2009 and has continued to grow no matter what I do. When people stop wanting to participate, I will shut it down (that has yet to happen:). I'm artsolutely blessed to be a part of this world-wide collaboration. MASSIVE is an understatement, when describing the size of the assembled installation. MASSIVE is also how to describe the challenge of putting them all together for a world-record setting event.

The massive event is the final goal, no matter how long it takes. The Puzzle Project is a real, tangible product. The thousands of pieces are not something you can turn off, file or delete. The Puzzle Project is not a website or a social media presence, it is a physical art installation. Each individual piece is a story with a creative experience. Together they tell a story of us.

click to watch a Puzzle Project introduction video
For 3 years I taught art at PS16 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn to the entire school - Pre-K to 5th

Big thanks to the Walentas Family Foundation of DUMBO Brooklyn for providing 3 educational grants making Art is Good at PS16 possible for 3 straight years. It was an artsolutely beautiful experience. I was also a basketball coach (:
Art Club field trip to Brooklyn Museum... with our sketchbooks in hand.
I paint and draw an art series called, Similar Alien. It is about being yourself. If we were all the same, this planet would be boring. www.similaralienshop.com ...
alien Jimi Hendrix
16x20, acrylic on canvas

alien Ben Franklin
24x20, acrylic on canvas

alien superheros
10x10, acrylic on canvas

alien mugshot
8x8, marker on fancy paper

alien Girl with a Pearl Earring
8x10, acrylic on canvas

alien Mona Lisa
20x30, acrylic on canvas

Edgar Alien Poe
8x10, acrylic on canvas

alien moondance,
10x8, acrylic on canvas

alien rat pack (alien Peter Lawford, Alien Davis, jr, Frank Saturnatra, Joey Starship, Dean Martian)
20x16, acrylic on canvas

Kurt Cobalien (i think i'm dumb, maybe just happy)
8x10, acrylic on canvas
similar_alien on Instagram
Similar Alien FB page
In my life, I have created more than a thousand pieces of art. I've also administered hundreds of creative workshops helping thousands of people to make meaningful art. I've curated/produced dozens of group art events. I love art. Art is Good for me!
In addition to my art, I have a branding and design business called, Creative Seven, LLC. My days are spent toggling between art and design projects. Variety is the spice of life. Some days I wear an apron and some days I wear a tie.
Every day I create.
Creative Seven, LLC | Art is Good | The Puzzle Art Project | Similar Alien
646.734.9072 tk@timkellyartist.com
I'm full of good ideas |