"Art is not so much expressing oneself, as it is discovering oneself"
Art is Good workshops are beginner art classes offered by The David S. Zocchi Brain Tumor Center to kids & teens whose parent or immediate family member has either been diagnosed with, or has passed away from a brain tumor. These classes are offered to give them the opportunity to socialize with others who are in the same situation. It is not therapy, but a forum for expression either through creativity, friendship or just being. The children are invited to bring a friend. A social worker is available upon request for families that would like counseling.
Details regarding art classes:
- There is two different class levels: 1). Kids (6-12 years old) 2). Teens
- The class series consists of 6 weekly classes
- Each class occurs on Tuesdays: 1). Kids 4:30-6:30pm 2). Teens 6:30-8:30pm
- The classes are held at SurfTaco in Belmar, 1003 Main Street
- Artist, Tim Kelly will teach the art classes (www.timkellyartist.com)
- Participants are encouraged to attend with a friend, but it is not manditory
- Each student will receive:
one sketch book and set of drawing pencils
one 18"x 24" sketch pad
two 18"x 24" blank canvases and acrylic paint set
one easel per student
- A David S. Zocchi Brain Tumor Center case worker is available on-site
- In addition to teaching techniques, local artists guest lecture and assist
- The class will culminate with an exhibition to show the artwork produced.
For more information or to register for Art is Good:
call 732.575.4271 or jessiechism@yahoo.com